Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Take Responsibility for Yourself

Have you ever wished you could take a day off from responsibility? That somebody else would answer the questions or make the decisions. That would be a dream world. Not matter you’re your position or role in life we all have responsibility for our actions. When you think of it responsibility is a unique concept. Whether it is in your personal or professional life we have learned that when you share responsibility you are still held accountable for doing some portion of the task. When you delegate it, you still need to know the status on what is being done. Some leaders who are not careful tend to micro-manage the people they delegate to and this causes conflicts and mistrust. From the early childhood we sought to be given responsibility. To be permitted to have a say in what we wanted to do, to be considered mature enough to make our own decisions. Little did we know or understand what that was getting us into, but we wanted to and celebrated the milestone markers in life when we were given the chance to be trusted.
As adults we know that leaders seek people who they can trust people who they know will accept responsibility. Never more than today do we understand how important it is to accept responsibility for our action or lack of actions. We know that even if we want the world to stand still and let us take a break, it won’t happen. While we can take a break and I encourage people to de-stress by taking a break, we know that the world will keep on moving. Ready or not we have to take responsibility for our actions or our lack of actions. With economic turmoil and a great deal of uncertainty facing people, there are some who are choosing to complain rather than choosing to do something.
While there are days I would rather be irresponsible and get someone else to make every decision for me, the fact that I am being asked to make a choice or provide information, is a reminder that I am still a player in the game of life, and ultimately that is a good thing. At work and at home we have to make decisions, tough decisions, lonely decisions, costly decisions even unpopular and unpleasant decisions. But we must be courageous and decide. Sitting on the fence, playing it safe won’t move us ahead. John Maxwell writes: “If you decide to fish, fine; if you decide to cut bait, fine; but if you decide to do nothing your not going to have fish for dinner.”
It is a new year, a time to embrace the changes that lie ahead instead of fear them. A chance to be more responsible for your actions. Many people make New Years Resolutions and break them within a month of making them. I ask you to make a resolution to be responsible and to hold yourself accountable. It is a matter of psychology, not letting ourselves have the out or the excuse. Maybe you may know someone who is habitually late, so they set their clocks ahead in order to arrive on time. If it works that is what matters. So lets think about changing the way we think of the months.
January - Just do it – don’t delay take action today.
February – Fear nothing and see what you have to gain or to learn.
March – Demonstrate confidence and be a role model for others
April – Ask Questions see what you can learn.
May – Give 100% everyday. Be committed to everything you do 100%.
June - Be a role model – someone is always watching you so what do want them to learn
July – Strengthen your character.
August – Appreciate others. Seek to make someone else’s day better. Do a kind deed without any expectation of appreciation
September – Share your knowledge
October – Get out of your comfort zone
November – No excuses
December – Dare yourself to grow to learn something new

May you have a great start to 2009. Hope to see you soon!
Bring a program to your City: Schedule a program while Cindy is in your area.

2009 Confirmed Upcoming Events:Big Brothers Big Sisters, Port St. Lucie, FL Jan. 13,; BOMA: Orlando, FL Jan. 21; Siemens Energy Inc. Feb. 5; Federally Employed Women Beach, Cocoa Beach, FL March 4-5,:18th FAPE Conference Daytona Beach, FL April 15-16, Annual Gulf Coast Symposium Houston TX, May 21, South Brevard SHRM Melbourne, FL June 11, Florida Association of Public Health Nurses Palm Beach, FL, August 4