Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Keeping Teams and Staff Focused on Soaring Higher

Achieving Corporate Excellence, Inc. Newsletter

Vol. I No. 4 2009

Keeping Teams and Staff Focused on Soaring Higher

It is easy to lose altitude with a team and a staff when life is presenting challenges, however, leaders knows that it is their responsibility to ensure that staff and teams continue to soar, despite these obstacles. Through wisdom, teams and businesses thrive and grow. Building a relationship with employees is like building a home. It is done step by step. The mortar that holds it together is unconditional and solid. Yet the only way to know if the mortar is the right mixture is to see how it holds up during storms. Many people are experiencing such a storm or test in their business today. They have spent time and energy building teams and staff members and now they are asking even more. Will the staff and teams hold together or is the mortar too fragile? The most vital resource businesses have is their employees. Happy employees are excellent advertising agents, telling friends, family and even strangers about your company because they feel appreciated, they share openly in all areas of their life. But employees who don’t feel appreciated are even louder advertising agents, making negative comments about the company and the lack of appreciation that they feel. Realize that people believe both the happy and the unhappy employee.

If we sacrifice on what we give to our team and staff, then they became weaker, just like if we water down mortar it won’t hold a building up either. What have you done to keep your team strong? Have you offered training, rewards, etc.? What can you do to maintain these events for them? When we withdraw trainings or reward programs people feel less valued, less important and the morale can drop rapidly. I was recently talking with a friend who donated blood. She reported that during her last visit to the blood bank, there was a sign letting donors know that there would be no more distribution of gift cards for blood donations. While donating blood is typically done because it is the right thing to do, and not a $10 gift card or t-shirt (reward), donating blood is still an act that takes time out of someone’s day. It will be interesting to see if blood banks see a decrease in donations, since the perception of some donors may be that there is no reward or other appreciation for their time and effort.

So what can you do to make sure teams keep soaring? Here are some tips:

Tips for Keeping Teams and Employees soaring when others are losing altitude and gaining a negative attitude:

1) Seek to maintain focus for the team.

2) Keep lines of communication open and keep them informed.

3) Keep agendas and plans moving forward even if some modifications need to be made.

4) Be creative with both budget and work force.

5) Continue to offer training and showing the staff and team that they are valued.

6) If bringing in an outside trainer appears too costly – look at other options. (Would this program be able to be offered as a webinar or live Webinar?)

Creative Training Tips:

Many times I have worked with companies and even associations who are trying to figure out how to help their teams and staff succeed, but they report they don’t have the budget to do the training. It is easy to say what we don’t have and more challenging to see what we can find. One association realized they had enough budget to pay for a piece of cheesecake for dessert, but not enough to pay for the speakers fee. After talking they realized that they were paying for a dessert that not everyone would even eat. Two weeks later most would not even recall if a dessert was even served at the event, but they would remember the message the speaker presented.

Bring a program to your City: Schedule a program while Cindy is in your area.

2009 Confirmed Upcoming Events Public can attend:

Annual Gulf Coast Symposium - Houston TX, May 21, Cindy will present on Raising Presentations to New Heights. (HRCI program)

South Brevard SHRM Melbourne, FL, June 11, The Diversity of Change. (HRCI program)

Florida Association of Public Health Nurses Palm Beach, FL, Cindy will be doing the closing Keynote on August 4, 2009. Contact information:



Scheduled programs can be delivered directly to your organization or professional association.

Call (772) 461-8313 USA Eastern Standard Time or Contact us for availability and fee schedule.

Have to watch the budget but still need to have training that has value? Then let us provide a teleconference or webinar just for your dept or organization. Contact us today to set up a program that will benefit your company and employees. Our time is your time, time zones and shifts are no problems. Let us see what we can do to offer what you need.


ARTICLES:Have a custom article written for you association newsletter or trade magazine. Request reprint permission of an existing article.


NEED A GREAT SPEAKER to get a convention going? Does your training need a lift and positive energy? Then call today and book Cynthia Krosky or her staff. Let us be your resources to help you grow. Call us at (772) 461-8313 USA Eastern Standard time. Do you know someone who could benefit from leadership or team-building programs? Then forward this to them! We are looking forward to serving you!


Cynthia is a CSP, Certified Speaking Professional, the highest earned designation in the International Federation of Professional Speaker and the National Speakers Association. Of 4000 members, less than 200 women hold this designation. Seeking a professional for your next convention keynote or other programs, call us at (772) 461-8313 USA Eastern Standard Time